If you’re seeing this page, it means you’re already one step ahead of most people. Given the importance of Health Insurance, it’s critical to select the right plan for your needs. When making this decision, search for Health Insurance plans that are budget friendly, and cover all the essential and additional expenses that you may have to incur.
Want to find the best Health Insurance for you? Follow these two steps.
Step 1: Enter your zip code and submit to receive your offers.
Step 2: Select a carrier and complete the questions to find out more and receive your free quote.
If you are employed in the organized sector, the chances are that your health insurance is covered by your employer. However, you may feel that your employer’s health insurance policy has too many limitations or is simply too expensive. If you have been contemplating buying an individual health insurance plan, here’s everything you need to know:
An individual health insurance plan may actually be better for you than the one extended to you by your employer. it may actually give you identical benefits as your employer plan. An individual health insurance plan could also be a lot cheaper than one brought through an employer.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) guarantees many affordable and all-encompassing individual health care plans through various insurance companies.
It is a statutory norm, as a part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which covers any citizen who applies for health care insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Here’s a closer look at the kind of plans that are out there and you can choose the one which would be the most beneficial for you as per your specific requirements.
You can buy an individual health care plan during the open enrollment period which starts in most states from 1st November and goes on till 15th December. During this time of open enrollment, you can purchase these plans. You can also make suitable changes and modifications in these plans as per your specific needs and requirements. In event of marriage, childbirth, acquiring US citizenship, or losing insurance cover due to losing a job, one can also apply outside of this enrollment period.
These are certain exceptions that have been provided to provide people with an immediate opportunity to apply for state insurance benefits when they require it immediately.
Also in case, there is a substantial change in the income level of the household which brings about a change in the tax liability, the benefits can be applied for without having to wait for the enrollment period.
What is the scope of individual health plans? How can you benefit from them?
As a layperson, understanding the tedious technical jargon related to the insurance sector can be hard. Insurance in fact is a gordian knot that most people are not able to comprehend. It is important to understand what your insurance actually covers so that you can avail of the benefits as and when you shall need them.
There was a time when the insurance sector in America was largely unregulated. Many times it was seen that the insurance companies would simply deny the claims of the applicants without any concrete reason. Also, when the insurance sector was functioning without any capping and a minimal degree of financial control, many companies were charging exorbitant premiums from the customers on absolutely irrational pretexts such as an existing health condition.
The recent changes and amendments ensure that the applicant is covered despite health conditions ranging from pregnancy, diabetes or even cancer.